

One of the functions of the Office of 机构股票 和 多样性 (OIED) is to determine whether University policies or procedures regarding discrimination or harassment have been followed. 如果发现违规行为, our 办公室 works to remedy the situation by providing relief to the complainant 和 corrective feedback to the alleged offender.

我们仍 公正的 at all times when investigating a charge of discrimination, harassment, or retaliation. 我们既不是原告的辩护人,也不是原告的对手, 被指控的人, 或者证人. Our 办公室 is responsible for gathering any evidence that will help the University meet its requirements for nondiscrimination, 不管证据支持谁的立场.

打电话预约 757-683-3141 或发邮件 equity和diversity@dftractor.com.


A Complainant is any University community member or visitor who files a formal complaint under the 歧视 or 第九条 policy.



第九条 of the Education Amendments of 1972 is a federal law that prohibits sex discrimination in education. Sex discrimination includes sexual harassment 和 sexual violence, which includes sexual assault. 在最靠谱的网赌软件,任何人或任何情况下的骚扰都是不可接受的.

Educational institutions that receive federal financial assistance are covered by 第九条. 第九条是一项广泛的法律,适用于最靠谱的网赌软件的许多项目. 符合第九条, 最靠谱的网赌软件 prohibits discrimination on the basis of sex in employment as well as in all programs 和 activities. 读了 美国宪法对第九条的解释.S. 教育部.






ODU教员, 工作人员 和 学生 who believe that they have been discriminated against based on any of the protected categories listed in the policy below have the right to seek resolution through the Office of 机构股票 & 多样性. 歧视是不公平和非法的待遇, 它可以包括基于受保护类别的骚扰. The OIED offers both formal 和 informal resolution options for complaints of discrimination. Use of the informal option does not preclude a complainant from later pursuing the formal process.


If your complaint does not fall within these policies, we will help you find the right process. 您也可以联系威胁团队或维护团队报告有关行为.

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指派一名调查员. 投诉人接受面谈. 证据收集开始.


被告被询问并被给予充分的 & 公平的回应机会.


审查证人和文件. 可能会要求提供更多信息.




决策者审查报告 & 做出结论.


大学可能会采取纠正措施. 当事人可上诉.


大学社区的任何成员,包括教职员工, 工作人员, 学生, 志愿者, 客人, 等. may file a complaint of discrimination or sexual harassment with Office of 机构股票 和 多样性.

另外, 任何教师, 工作人员, or 学生 connected with the University may file a complaint directly with Office of 机构股票 和 多样性 if they believe they are being 进行了报复 反对,因为:

  • 他们质疑他们认为是歧视的行为,或者
  • They provided information or participated in an investigation of a claim of discrimination or discriminatory harassment.

我们是中立的. 机构公平和多样性办公室不偏袒任何一方. 我们致力于提供一个公平和公正的审查, 我们的调查主要集中在证据上. We also help 信访人提出的 和 受访者 by providing information about support 和 advocacy services.

信访人提出的 frequently want to know if the Respondent will be told they raised concerns. 受访者 are provided enough information about the allegations to allow them a 公平的回应机会, 和 the level of detail necessary to do that varies depending on the circumstances surrounding the incident 和 the applicable regulations. 在某些情况下, it is not necessary to identify the Complainant in order to provide enough information for the Respondent to respond (e.g.(在一大群人面前发表的评论).

是的. ODU禁止报复. 投诉或举报歧视或性骚扰的个人, 或者谁参与了投诉过程, 免受报复. Retaliatory behavior should be reported to the Office of 机构股票 和 多样性 immediately.

参与报复行为的受访者, 直接或通过他人, 受纪律约束, 直至并包括解雇.

理解投诉. The first step the Office of 机构股票 和 多样性 takes in an investigation is to assign an investigator to gather information about the complaint. This usually involves interviewing the Complainant 和 gathering all evidence the Complainant has, 包括文件和证人的名字, 如果有任何. 投诉人与被投诉人面谈时,被投诉人不在场,反之亦然.

访谈被访者. 在调查员了解投诉的性质和范围之后, the Respondent is asked about the allegations 和 given a full 和 公平的回应机会. The Respondent is also asked to provide any documentation 和 identify witnesses relevant to the complaint. 受访者 are strongly encouraged to share all information they have regarding the matter.

收集其他证据. The Investigator interviews witnesses 和 reviews relevant documentation 和 may also contact the Complainant 和 Respondent with additional questions or to request additional information.

决策和跟进. 调查员分析证据并起草调查报告. 调查报告提供给决策者. 如果决策者确定发生了歧视或骚扰, the relevant administrators will follow up with a remedy aimed at addressing the offending behavior. 因为人事问题是保密的, 投诉人未被告知所采取的具体步骤, 但如果再次发生这种行为,请立即与我们联系.

纠正措施. While the Office of 机构股票 和 多样性 does not impose corrective action, the Respondent should be aware that the University takes all allegations of discrimination 和 harassment very seriously.

在机构公平和多样性办公室举行公平之后, 公平和及时的调查. 如果需要采取纠正措施,这些措施可以包括但不限于:

  • 专业的培训
  • 无薪休假
  • 其他行为,包括开除员工或开除学生

被申请人不同意所采取的纠正措施的, 纠正措施可以上诉.

我们帮助投诉人找到正确的流程. The University has processes that provide prompt 和 effective review of discrimination 和 harassment complaints. The Office of 机构股票 和 多样性 addresses some of these concerns directly, but if the Office of 机构股票 和 多样性 is not best suited to address the concerns (e.g., 一些对学生的投诉), we will assist the Complainant in determining the appropriate resources 和 provide contact information.

有可用的资源. The University has many resources available to assist you with any aspect of the process, 包括澄清和解释程序. 两者都有资源列表和联系信息 信访人提出的 和 受访者.

如果你对调查或调查过程有任何疑问, 请立即致电757-683-3141或 equity和diversity@dftractor.com.