
Updates to the 常见问题解答s are made continually. Please visit again for additional information.


Assignments, Tests, 和 学习 Online

First, please be patient as this transition happens. 这对每个人来说都是新的领域,可能需要一段时间才能找到“新常态”."

你的教授会在办公时间和其他沟通方式上提供指导. You may also email them with questions.

如果你的事情很紧急,你没有得到你需要的回应, 试着查找并联系你的教授所在系的系主任. Link to department chairs: http://catalog.dftractor.com/undergraduate/officersoftheuniversity

通过Zoom或其他技术讲授“现场”课程的教师被要求录制他们的讲座,并将其放在黑板上上,以适应无法参加“现场”课程的学生. If you are unable to attend the live streaming course lectures, you should review the archived lectures in a timely manner.

参加辅导 & Academic 支持 资源 page for information about tutoring, 同侪学术支持, 以及数字支持. 该网页还提供学术支持的聊天框功能. Alternatively, you can contact our 学习 Center at learningcenter@dftractor.com 有问题吗?.

熟悉Zoom、黑板上和其他将在课程中使用的技术. 学习中心正在举办帮助会议,以帮助学生准备这种过渡. 支持 specific to the online learning environment is also available.

你的教授会在课程材料和测试选项上提供指导. You may email them with questions.

如果您通过教育无障碍办公室有测试住宿,请联系 oeatests@dftractor.com 直接协助. Please include all pertinent details of your question or concern.

T在这里 are no plans to extend the spring semester. On-campus final exams are typically offered in a three-hour time frame. 本学期期末考试将遵循远程学习考试政策, 这为学生提供了一个更宽的考试窗口.

We recognize that some Monarchs may face issues with WiFi 和 technology. Communicate this to your professor. 查看您的课程教学大纲以获取他们的联系信息或在以下网址搜索目录 http://fpektp.dftractor.com/directory


  • FCC协议: Providers will waive late fees, 提供开放的热点,不会因欠费而中断服务.

  • Connect2Compete程序.: Limited-time, first two months free of Connect2Compete service, $9.95 /月之后

  • 康卡斯特应对COVID-19:为K-12及高等教育学生提供为期两个月的免费WiFi. All Xfinity hot-spots are free to the public during this time.

  • AT&T - COVID-19应对:提供开放的热点, unlimited data to existing customers, 和 $10/month plans to low-income families.

  • Verizon应对COVID-19: Offering free international calling to most countries. 客户应该打电话获得临时计划升级,包括数据选项.

  • 冲刺应对COVID-19:为现有客户提供无限流量,并允许所有手机在60天内免费启用热点.

  • T-Mobile COVID-19 response: Offering unlimited data to existing customers, 和, 即将到来的, 是否允许所有手机在60天内免费启用热点.

  • Charter Free Internet offer for 2 months:为K-12和/或大学生尚未订购频谱宽带的家庭提供60天的免费频谱宽带和Wi-Fi接入,任何服务水平最高可达100mbps. To enroll call 1-844-488-8395. Installation fees will be waived for new student households.

  • 学校, 社区中心, 教堂, 图书馆:许多社区组织和政府设施提供开放的WiFi, 和 it can often be accessed from the parking lot.

的 Office of Educational 可访问性 is available to help. 请访问他们的 网站 to connect to them directly.

Please email your OEA Counselor 有问题吗? or concerns. 的 OEA员工名录 can help you find the correct email address for your Counselor.

你的教授会对你的课程作业给予指导. 查看您的课程教学大纲以获取他们的联系信息或在以下网址搜索目录 http://fpektp.dftractor.com/directory

We have exp和ed our support services for you. 同行学术教练和专业支持人员可以与你见面(虚拟),给你成功的策略. 访问: http://fpektp.dftractor.com/chip/learningcenter 或电子邮件 learningcenter@dftractor.com.

辅导 和 Academic 支持

ODU offers a variety of services. 辅导中心 向您展示了所有的服务,并且大多数已经转移到在线和虚拟环境. Online tutoring is available 24/7 for supported courses. 登录你的 黑板上 课程与准入导师.com in the course Tools menu. 可提供指示 在这里. 如果你的课程不在列表中,可以通过网站上的虚拟聊天或电子邮件提交申请 arc@dftractor.com.

Other tutoring services include:

写作中心 is now open for Fall classes. For online appointments, go to odu.mywconline.com.

Fall 2021 Hours - In Person

Monday: 11 am - 12 pm; 1-5 pm


Monday: 9 am - 12 pm; 1-7 pm
Saturday: Grad Student Write-in, 11 am - 3 pm

检查写作中心 网站 获取更多资源.

数学科学资源中心(MSRC)通过预约或旁听的方式提供免费的面对面和在线辅导. 检查 网站 获取更多资源.

Psychology 和 数学 辅导

Biology 和 Computer Science 辅导
214年海洋 & Physical Science Building

Chemistry Success Center, Room 1006

214年海洋 & Physical Sciences Building

此外,数学 & 统计实验室 is also offering virtual tutoring appointments. 检查ir 网站 for schedules 和 availabilities: http://fpektp.dftractor.com/math/lab

学术指导预约可以通过学术资源中心(ARC)亲自或在线进行。. Appointments can be made via the my.dftractor.com portal or by contacting the 学术资源中心 directly.


Monday - Thursday: 10 am - 6 pm

联系 the ASC by emailing academicsuccesscenter@dftractor.com or by calling 757-683-5370.

Students 和 faculty can find mentoring opportunities on the 辅导中心 网站. 它是一个关于校园指导项目和其他有用的指导资源的集中信息中心. 联系 the 学术资源中心 (ARc) for more information.


ePortfolio & 数字工具

访问 http://fpektp.dftractor.com/asis/eportfolio/student-resources.

We offer the following support online:

  • 个人辅导: Make an appointment through WC Online, which you can access by selecting 安排一个约会."
  • 视频反馈: If you don't have time for an appointment, 在导师的时间表上预留时间来检查你的电子作品集,并通过选择“请求视频eP支持t"
  • 工作室开放时间: 在ePortfolio团队的帮助下完成您的ePortfolio,无需预约每周二下午5点.m. - 6:00 p.m. & 星期三中午12:00.m. - 1:00 p.m. 要在线加入,请使用http: / /.ly / epopenstudio
  • 教程: 这些 简短的指南 walk users through various actions. If the tutorial you need isn't available, email eportfolio@dftractor.com. We will create 和 share a written tutorial or video tutorial with you.
  • 聊天的支持: 的 ePortfolio Assistants are available to answer questions using the ODUeportfolio松弛. This is a free messaging platform.

  • 电子邮件: 联络我们: eportfolio@dftractor.com

而ePortfolio团队的主要重点是帮助学生创建和开发ePortfolio, they are also provided support for related digital assignments. 我们帮助学生浏览各种数字工具(视频,音频,图像编辑等).)或与学生一起解决平台上的问题(黑板上, Zoom等). 学生可以使用我们提供的与ePortfolio问题相同的资源寻求帮助:

  • 个别辅导:通过WC Online进行预约,你可以选择进入WC Online 安排一个约会."
  • 视频反馈: If you don't have time for an appointment, 在导师的时间表上预留时间来检查你的电子作品集,并通过选择“请求视频eP支持"
  • 聊天的支持: 的 ePortfolio Assistants are available to answer questions using the ODUeportfolio松弛. This is a free messaging platform.
  • 电子邮件: 联络我们: eportfolio@dftractor.com