


  • 在指定的到期日, OR at the time of registration (if you register after the tuition due date).
  • 即使你有 待决定住所(居住)
  • 即使你没有收到 e-bill 通知
  • Even if you do not attend the class for which you are registered


If you do not pay tuition on time, your account will be subject to 迟到罚款金融持有, and 收集费用.

You will remain registered even if you do not pay your tuition. 不支付学费和不出勤并不免除您支付注册课程的责任.

Add/Drop & 退款期限





学生通过 LEO在线门户. 授权用户可通过 Touchnet.


Pay on campus at the Cashiers Office (1006 Rollins Hall) during 可用的时间. 收银台不接受信用卡.

  • Cash
  • Checks & 钱的订单


金融办公室|最靠谱的网赌软件 Alfred B. 罗林斯,小. 大厅:弗吉尼亚州诺福克23529-0046

  • Checks & 给ODU的汇款单 & 包括印尼)
  • 允许7个工作日的邮件付款邮寄.




现金支付必须亲自到位于校园罗林斯大厅1006号的出纳办公室进行. 一般服务时间为周一至周五,上午8:00至下午4:30,但请查看张贴的信息 收银窗口时间. We encourage students to not bring large sums of cash onto the campus, 因为大额现金支付是不推荐的. Rather, the University offers other convenient payment options.


请注意:任何时候大学收到付款 cash, money orders, travelers' checks, or 银行本票s totaling $10,000 or less 在一个或多个相关的报告交易中,美国国税局要求大学提交表格8300. This form must be filed within 15 days of reaching payments totaling over $10,000 and must also identify the individual making the cash payment. Reportable transactions include payment of services such as tuition, 食宿, fees, 以及其他相关的教育费用. Any individual making a cash payment of $10,000 or less will be required to complete a 现金收入表格 付款后. If the individual refuses to complete the form, the cash payment cannot be accepted.


请填写支票或汇票,抬头人为“最靠谱的网赌软件”,并在支票上注明学生身份证号(UIN). Students paying by check or money order are encouraged to pay by mail. Returned checks and charges are subject to a returned check fee. Please allow 7 business days for mail payments to be posted.

Please mail check or money order payments to the following address:

Alfred B. 罗林斯,小. Hall


For out-of-country checks, please make checks payable in US dollars only.
地址更改应直接到 司法常务官办公室.

学生可以通过WEB Check付款 (只适用于支票帐户).

—当使用网络检查进程时, please ensure that you enter all checking account information accurately. 对于银行因任何原因退回的未付支票和费用,要收取50美元的行政费用. 如果支票或费用因任何原因被退回未付, 学生的账户会被冻结. 学生需要用现金等认证资金偿还支票或支付50美元的行政费用, 银行本票, 和/或汇款单. 如果不这样做,将受到额外的处罚. If repayment of a returned check is made with another check, 需要10个工作日的等待才能从学生的账户中删除.

在每个学生退回三(3)张支票后, 付款必须用本票支付, 汇款单, 面对面的现金支付, 或者通过网上信用卡 LeoOnline. If paying with a credit card online, 交易费用为2英镑,恕不退还.85% or $3.,以金额较大者为准.

WARNING: 学生可能 not 使用信用卡便利支票或储蓄账户通过最靠谱的网赌软件的网络检查付款流程进行付款. Convenience checks and savings accounts are not recognized by automated banking systems. 因为银行无法找到与便利支票或储蓄账户相关联的特定账户, 学生可能不知道未偿还的金额,直到与催收机构联系.

Payment may be made via: the 网络检查 process (if using a checking account ONLY), 银行本票, 汇款单, 面对面的现金支付, 或者通过via的信用卡 LeoOnline. It is important to note that if paying with a credit card online, 交易费用为2英镑,恕不退还.85% or $3.,以金额较大者为准.

透过电子帐单付款:需要MIDAS ID和密码. 汇款应以美元支付.S. 以信用卡(Master card, VISA, Discover或American Express)或WebCheck的形式提供资金. 不接受信用卡便利支票. 便利支票不被自动银行系统识别,将不付款项退回. Please note that payments are applied to the oldest debt first.

The University's Cashiers Office does not accept credit card payments at the window. Credit card payments on student accounts will be processed via Leo Online.

  • ODU接受签证, 万事达卡, Discover and American Express credit cards for student tuition and fees.
  • 学生可以通过Leo Online使用签账卡付款.
  • Authorized users may make charge card payments via Touchnet.
  • 用信用卡付款时, 学生或授权用户将自动重定向到我们的信用卡处理器(PayPath).
  • Students who pay using a credit card will be charged a 2.95%便利费 自2023年5月1日起生效 (or $3.(以较大者为准).

最靠谱的网赌软件 offers a payment plan, administered by the 财务办公室. 在制定付款计划时, 每学期的费用分为4等额支付,其中40美元是不可退还的设置费. The set-up fee must be paid at the same time the payment plan is established online. Please note: payment plans may NOT be revoked once established.

  • 付款计划仅适用于秋季和春季学期. Payment plans are currently not available for Summer sessions.
  • Payment plan is currently NOT available to students taking non-credit classes.
  • Payment plans must be established for each term by the tuition deadline.
  • Either the student or an Authorized User can set up a payment plan, but only the student is responsible for ensuring their account remains current.


  • 军事学费援助(TA);
  • 联邦职业康复,
  • 公立学校系统,
  • 海军学院
  • 博茨瓦纳大使馆,
  • 福特汽车工人联合会,
  • 大半岛私营工业议会
  • etc.


最靠谱的网赌软件与 Flywire 为ODU国际学生提供一种简单、安全的方式,以本国货币进行国际支付. Flywire is the only international payments partner authorized by ODU. 以确保您的付款是安全可靠的, 并及时记入您的账户, please do not send payments to ODU outside of the authorized process.


  • 付款方式 & 世界各国的货币.
  • 大大节省银行费用和汇率, while guaranteeing the lowest available exchange rates through their 最优惠价格保证
  • 付款跟踪从开始到结束
  • 24/7 access to their dedicated multilingual Customer Support Team via email, 电话, 即时聊天, 以及一个微信二维码,用于中文直播支持



For out-of-country checks, please make checks payable in US dollars only. 请参阅“检查” & “汇款单”部分获取更多信息.

The University is also able to accept direct wire payments (see notes below).

  • 请寄U.S. Dollars (必需)
  • ODU将对这项服务收取50美元的费用.00 USD
  • 包括学生的姓名和身份证号码(UIN),以便适当地张贴到学生帐户 (必需). ODU将不承担任何罚款的电汇付款收到没有适当的身份证明.
  • Please allow 7 to 10 business days for funds to be applied to the account.
  • 联络客户服务: 757-683-3030 实际接线说明.

财务办公室是 支付 经济援助基金代理. 当资金可用时,经济援助资金直接应用于学生账户. Your e-bill shows financial aid credited to your account. “备忘录”援助不会减少应付金额. 请提前完成您的所有经济援助要求,以确保经济援助在学费截止日期之前支付到您的帐户. 你可以在贷款金额存入你的学生账户后的14天内取消全部或部分联邦直接贷款, however, written 通知 to the Office of Student 金融援助 is required.

  • 根据第四章的规定,学生将 NOT 能够使用未来学期的经济援助来支付另一个援助年度的上学期债务.
  • If you owe for prior semester charges, you will have a financial hold on your account.
  • 前一个学期的债务必须是 全部付清 before the financial hold will be removed from the account. 学生将不被允许增加额外的课程,以满足要求,如果有一个未到期的余额支付他们的援助.
  • 对于有未偿还的前学期余额的学生,可能会延迟处理经济援助退款(适用于那些收到纸质支票的学生) and 那些已经注册了eRefunds的人).

对于欠学生的信用余额,资金将以a的形式退还给学生 支票或电子退款. 助学金余额支票通常支付给学生,并邮寄到学生的永久地址,并与注册主任存档. 在创建贷方余额后5-7个工作日发布援助余额检查. 如果费用超过给予的援助, the student is held responsible for any remaining balance by the tuition deadline.

根据退伍军人事务部(VA)的要求, 第33章的受益人将在50%的退款期结束后收到他们的资金.

Notices & 提醒

  • Students are responsible for debts resulting from registration for courses. Registrations will not be canceled for non-payment of tuition or non-attendance. Therefore, 不支付课程费用或不参加课程将不免除学生对这些费用的责任.
  • The Cashiers Office no longer accepts credit card payments at the window. 请查看本页的信用卡部分,了解有关收费卡付款的详细信息.


All outstanding financial debts (including parking fines & library holds) must be 全部付清 in order for students to register. 暂停将不会被取消以允许预注册. No grades, transcripts or other services will be provided until the hold is removed. 在完全清偿债务之后, students may access records and register the day after payment is made.


如果没有在规定的期限内付款, 该帐户将被视为拖欠,并将对该帐户进行财务“持有”. 逾期30天以上,将收取5%的滞纳金. 逾期120多天, 该帐户被转到外部催收机构,并对未付余额收取25%的催收费.


尚未决定住所的学生仍有责任在截止日期前支付学费, 至少是州内税率. 住所决定后, 如果他们被归类为外州, the difference between the in-state and out-of-state rate will be due immediately. 不要等住宿地决定再交学费.


州内学费是弗吉尼亚法典授予的特权,只授予在申请截止日期前申请的学生. 如果您不申请州内优惠,您将按州外费率收费. 经批准后,费率将作适当修订.


根据军事政策, 社会安全号码(SSN)没有打印在军事学费援助(TA)授权表格上. 服务成员必须在表格上提供SSN或大学识别号码(UIN). 如果没有SSN或UIN,则无法处理表单.

返回检查 & Charges

There is a $50 administrative fee for all payments returned unpaid for any reason. 在您的帐户过期之前,您有7天的时间偿还退回的金额+ 50美元的费用. If repaying with another check, there is a 10-day wait before hold is removed. 3张支票退回后,将不再接受.




    If you discover an error or have a question about your charges, 您的客户代表可以提供帮助.

    如有查询,请电邮至: 或联系:

    • 财政援助办公室 757-683-3683 with questions regarding financial aid, loans, and/or scholarships.
    • 财务办公室-学生应收帐款 757-683-3030 与账单和/或付款问题.
    • 大学注册 在线表单 for issues with registration, in-state rate assessment, address changes.
    • 远程教育办公室 为远程学习学生提供帮助.