
Read all information before submitting an appeal.

最靠谱的网赌软件 will promptly refund tuition and/or cancel a financial charge from a student account provided the student meets the requirements of the University's policy on 学费上诉 AND is submitted properly (用官方信笺抬头).

上诉过程可能需要时间. Please submit all appeals in advance of registration. 持有 will not be lifted until any appeals are resolved. Filing a tuition appeal does NOT exempt your account from the assessment of collection and/or financial penalties when applicable. 请按时缴纳学杂费.

你咨询过财政援助了吗? If you have received or expect to receive financial aid for the term that you are appealing, 你可能有必要归还援助. It is highly recommended that you contact your financial aid counselor prior to submitting a tuition appeal.




  • All supporting documentation must be submitted on 正式的信头.
  • 上诉 may be made for tuition charges incurred for 仅退课. (W或WF级)
  • 上诉必须在法庭内提出 一年 交学费的日期.
  • You cannot appeal late penalties or collection fees. Financial penalties incurred associated with the appeal are voided on approved appeals only.


Appeal forms are accepted, with documentation 用官方信笺抬头:

  • 人: at the Customer Relations Center in Rollins Hall
  • 邮寄: Mailed to The Office of Finance in Rollins Hall 2003A
  • 传真: 传真到(757)683-4100
  • 通过电子邮件: 发邮件到 odutuitionappeal@dftractor.com.


上诉 are reviewed by a committee comprised of representatives from The Office of Finance, 学生外展 & 教务处及教务处. 上诉 are approved when a majority of the committee decides in favor of the request. 上诉 that do not represent a sound basis for reimbursement will be denied. 委员会的决定是最终的.


Processing time on all appeals is three-to-five weeks. Processing for adjustments requires an additional three-to-five weeks. For more information or assistance with your tuition appeal, please contact The Office of Finance at 757-683-4983 or odutuitionappeal@dftractor.com.


学费 appeals will generally be approved for the following reasons as long as the appropriate supporting documentation 用官方信笺抬头 is provided:

  • Extended periods of physical illness of the student (including hospitalization) documented by a signed physician's statement. 无医疗记录!
  • Extended periods of physical or mental illness of the student's immediate family member (including hospitalization) who is dependent upon the student for support - documented by physician's statement or other medical support 用官方信笺抬头. 无医疗记录!
  • 学生的直系亲属死亡. “直系亲属”指的是父母, 配偶, 孩子们, 哥哥, 或姐妹(血缘或婚姻)- 附死亡证明书核证副本.
  • 〇强制工作调动 雇主证明文件 用官方信笺抬头.
  • Changes in employment schedule or military deployment - 由雇主或指挥官证明 用官方信笺抬头.
  • Error in academic advising resulting in inappropriate course enrollment-substantiated by advisor or other appropriate University personnel 用官方信笺抬头.
  • Transfer credit assignment errors resulting in course duplication - 由大学人员证明 用官方信笺抬头.
  • Late notification of denial to a specific degree program - 附有证明文件 用官方信笺抬头.
  • Institutional errors/delay in processes - documented 用官方信笺抬头.
  • Statement from the Vice President of Student Affairs (or designee) authorizing withdrawal for medical reasons.
  • 实习管理上的困难, placements or practicums involving the single enrollment of a student-with supporting material from placement official 用官方信笺抬头.
  • 非自愿失业.

学费 appeals will NOT be approved in the following instances.

  • Non-qualification, late application, or loss of eligibility for financial aid or scholarships.
  • Personal errors in judgment or irresponsibility involving transportation, 资金的可用性, 学术能力, 时间管理.
  • Misinterpretation of University policies and procedures as published in the University Catalog and other University publications.
  • Lack of knowledge of University policies and procedures as published in the University Catalog and other applicable University publications.
  • Dissatisfaction with course content or delivery of instruction. (请注意: Complaints of this nature should be addressed to the department chair.)
  • Dissatisfaction with academic progress in course.
  • 不退还费用的上诉.
  • 不出勤或极少出勤.
  • Inadequate investigation of course requirements prior to registration and attendance.
  • Requests to defer tuition payment to next semester charges.
  • Non-receipt of mail due to obsolete address on file with the Office of the University Registrar.
  • Failure to activate or maintain your official ODU.EDU邮箱地址(电子计费).
  • Changes of, or personal conflicts with, the instructor of record.
  • Student errors resulting in the delay of administrative processes relative to registration or the delivery of financial aid funds.
  • Voluntary participation in employment or other activity impacting ability to attend classes.
  • Notification of domicile status after the refund period.

Late fees and collections fees are not appealable charges.

学费 appeals will generally be approved for the following reasons as long as the appropriate supporting documentation 用官方信笺抬头 is provided:

  • Extended periods of physical illness of the student (including hospitalization) documented by a signed physician's statement. 无医疗记录!
  • Extended periods of physical or mental illness of the student's immediate family member (including hospitalization) who is dependent upon the student for support - documented by physician's statement or other medical support 用官方信笺抬头. 无医疗记录!
  • 学生的直系亲属死亡. “直系亲属”指的是父母, 配偶, 孩子们, 哥哥, 或姐妹(血缘或婚姻)- 附死亡证明书核证副本.
  • 〇强制工作调动 雇主证明文件 用官方信笺抬头.
  • Changes in employment schedule or military deployment - 由雇主或指挥官证明 用官方信笺抬头.
  • Error in academic advising resulting in inappropriate course enrollment-substantiated by advisor or other appropriate University personnel 用官方信笺抬头.
  • Transfer credit assignment errors resulting in course duplication - 由大学人员证明 用官方信笺抬头.
  • Late notification of denial to a specific degree program - 附有证明文件 用官方信笺抬头.
  • Institutional errors/delay in processes - documented 用官方信笺抬头.
  • Statement from the Vice President of Student Affairs (or designee) authorizing withdrawal for medical reasons.
  • 实习管理上的困难, placements or practicums involving the single enrollment of a student-with supporting material from placement official 用官方信笺抬头.
  • 非自愿失业.

学费 appeals will NOT be approved in the following instances.

  • Non-qualification, late application, or loss of eligibility for financial aid or scholarships.
  • Personal errors in judgment or irresponsibility involving transportation, 资金的可用性, 学术能力, 时间管理.
  • Misinterpretation of University policies and procedures as published in the University Catalog and other University publications.
  • Lack of knowledge of University policies and procedures as published in the University Catalog and other applicable University publications.
  • Dissatisfaction with course content or delivery of instruction. (请注意: Complaints of this nature should be addressed to the department chair.)
  • Dissatisfaction with academic progress in course.
  • 不退还费用的上诉.
  • 不出勤或极少出勤.
  • Inadequate investigation of course requirements prior to registration and attendance.
  • Requests to defer tuition payment to next semester charges.
  • Non-receipt of mail due to obsolete address on file with the Office of the University Registrar.
  • Failure to activate or maintain your official ODU.EDU邮箱地址(电子计费).
  • Changes of, or personal conflicts with, the instructor of record.
  • Student errors resulting in the delay of administrative processes relative to registration or the delivery of financial aid funds.
  • Voluntary participation in employment or other activity impacting ability to attend classes.
  • Notification of domicile status after the refund period.

Late fees and collections fees are not appealable charges.